The CCAA is a community based art organization, encouraging artistic expression and helping artists to market their products through a member operated Art Gallery and the Eagle Harbor Art Fair. CCAA is based in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula in the historic village of Calumet.

The 63rd Annual Eagle Harbor Art Fair was held on August 10 and 11th. Despite some windy, rainy weather on Saturday, the Fair was a huge success. Go to our Eagle Harbor Art Fair page for selected Fair photos.
Planning for the 64th Annual Eagle Harbor Art Fair has started. There are already 53 artists pre-registered for the upcoming Fair.
Dates and Times for the 2025 Art Fair are:
Saturday, August 9 – 10AM to 5PM
Sunday, August 10 – 12PM to 4 PM
The 2025 Fair Begins in:

The CCAA Gallery
The home of the Copper Country Associated Artists is Moving!
That’s right. The CCAA Art Gallery is still on Fifth Street, but will now be located at 117 Fifth Street in the Downtown Historic District of Calumet, Michigan. The Gallery will be re-opening this spring. Watch for further information.
CCAA member artists display their work for sale. Members also staff the gallery. Visit the Gallery; you may meet your favorite artist.
Member artists also hold art workshops and art classes at the Gallery. The new Gallery provides more space for classes. A better experience.

Donna Lenard Watercolors
“Complimentary Colors”
117 Fifth Street, Calumet, MI
For details Click on “Classes at CCAA” in Main Menu

117 5th Street in the Downtown Historic District of Calumet, MI
January through April: Saturday 11-4 (as much as the weather allows). “Pop-Up” classes, workshops and other artists events are scheduled monthly.
May 2024 Thursday through Saturday 11AM to 4PM
Summer Hours June-November: Wednesday thru Saturday- 11AM to 4 PM
Local artists schedule classes and workshops at the Gallery based on interest expressed by the local community If you are interested in participating in a class, click the button above to find information on our classes.
Support the Copper Country Associated Artists
It takes a lot of resources to continue the activities that fulfill our mission. The two fold mission is first to encourage artistic expression in the Copper Country and secondly to help artists to market their products through a member-operated Gallery and the Eagle Harbor Art Fair. To find out more about supporting the Copper Country Associated Artists, Click the button below.
What's Happening Coming Up at CCAA
CCAA Members
Click the Button below to access the calendar to:
- Add an Event
- Sign up for a Work Shift
(Password required. Contact John)